Monday, May 29, 2006

Embed Odeo Players

powered by ODEO

I just found out that you can embed these cool players into your site from Odeo (a podcast portal). The cool thing was that Odeo only gave me to code for Code Monkey (above). I found the mp3 URL on Jonathan Coulton's blog for Skullcrucher Mountain and pasted it into the mp3 section of the same code and made my own (below). So, you can make one for pretty much any auto blog, Podcast, or online mp3 as long as you know the URL. In other words you use the Odeo code but the content does not need to be listed in Odeo.

powered by ODEO

"exe" Information

Do you ever wonder what all those Windows processes in your task manager? You can look them up from A to Z with this site:

Pandora Caching

I'm a big Pandora fan. Use this procedure to cache your Pandora songs for when you or going offline for awhile. Don't forget to delete them when you are done....

Friday, May 19, 2006

Funtwo Guitar Video

I didn't think this was real at first. What do think? If it's real then it deserves posting. I guess he calls himself Funtwo.

Sword says it's real....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Video Travel Tours

This is a cool site called TurnHere. It's like YouTube for travelers. If you are planing on traveling somewhere you can take a video tour first and see what it's like. Maybe you don't really want to go....

Friday, May 12, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Be a Ninja

I've been learning a lot of useful information on Wikihow. For example, something I've have been wondering for a long time since I need a backup career, how can I become a Ninja. It really would work out because black cloths are slimming:

Saturday, May 06, 2006


I've tried these kinds of things before and never really kept them. This one is a keeper! It's called Stellarium. It's an open source free planetarium. After you play around with it you will see that it lets you do pretty much everything. You can even see the sky from your location, zoom into planets, constellations, and have real time rotation. It sort of reminds me of Google Earth for the sky. It doesn't have Adware or any type of registration. You just download and install. Check it out....